Monday, December 31, 2007

Skip a Rope!!!

Happy New Year!!!
I would love to do this. I watch my Roz jump and it brings back memories.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Let me Explain

After much thought, I must confess that I only like black socks on me. You can wear whatever color tickles your fancy. Looking for a picture of black socks brought up many interesting subjects. THIS IS NOT ME!!! But, I can see how maybe it isn't the coolest choice.
I started with only black socks in 1996 when my Mom was in a nursing home waiting to die. I would sit in a chair between her bed and the window and watch my foot swell. That is when I thought that black made my ankles look smaller. And I still do!!
You may be wondering if this is for real. Yes, it is, but I am laughing as I blog it.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

This one's for Rita!!!

A good friend of mine told me Tuesday night that I always have such cool purses. I have arrived. I can now go shopping and talk to strangers about the purses for sale. :)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Iv'e been Tagged!

Rhonda tagged me and I can't refuse my daughter, now can I?

1. T-4 makes me laugh out loud. I think she should blog.

2. One of my biggest fears is that I will fall down outside and freeze to death. So now I only go out with someone. Does that mean I am getting really really old? Or really really smart?

3. I have reunited with some old high school friends and it has blessed my heart beyond words.

4. I have very vivid dreams. You have probably been there with me.

5. I only like black socks.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Happy Face!!!

This is one of many faces that make me smile. We have such a good time together. A few nights ago we went on a date. We were at
Fuddruckers and she just had to show me the cool bathroom.
I was impressed with the fake fireplace, 2 comfy chairs, fancy sinks, beautiful wall painting etc. On the way out of the room there is a large full length mirror. She stopped about 6 feet from the mirror and declared "I look like a gym teacher". Oh to be so
young and change what you want to be when you grow up at least once a week.
She wanted to be a zoo doctor for awhile. Then a MD doctor and lately a waitress at Damon's.
(her cousin works there).
Oh to really believe you can be anything you want when you grow up.
I wonder what I should be!!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Pray for Richard!

This is a family pizza night before Richard deploys to Iraq. He's there now, so Please
pray for him and his family. 4 beautiful children and a wonderful wife in Okinawa.
It's hard when you like your chicks all in a row and they are scattered all over the world.
Richard in dark t-shirt.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Joel, Roz and Suzy, Allie and Emily!!!!

I have read many articles about how pets can help your health. I have never been a big fan of animals. Oh yes, many cats and a few dogs over the years, but I like people more.

Now I am much older and can apprecitate the love of my Grand dogs.
We have a very healthy relationship. I never thought I would see the day I would take a nap with a dog. It is almost like heaven on earth to have her curl up next to me. My blood pressure
goes down and it totally relaxes me. I love them.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Adventures of Slag Boy!: Oh yeah.... Multi-Colored Dog Duty

The Adventures of Slag Boy!: Oh yeah.... Multi-Colored Dog Duty: " "
We had a dog years ago that would eat little green plastic army men. His poop had army guys sitting on top of the pile of s___! HA HA HA

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I have so many thoughts running through my head, it makes me tired.

1. All the people I love.
2. Will I get a nap today?
3. Memories that make me smile.
4. How does one "Live Like they Were Dying?"
5. My beautiful grandchildren.
6. What is the small stuff?
7. My wonderful, talented, smart, funny, good looking, loving family.

NOTICE: Rich is not on the list.
My Dad used to say "It is a good thing I was born good looking and not rich. :-).

This is my combination gratitude list and my question of the day thought.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Two happy hunters. Jared and Keanul last Sunday morning. They got up at 5 AM to go hunting with Grandpa. I went once upon a time.
No, I didn't shoot, but I got all dressed and painted up and hid in the marsh. It was a good time, when we were first married. Not my favorite thing to do. So glad Grandpa has the kids that love to go. HAPPY HUNTING!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Two good looking guys!!!

This is my husband (Llyle) and our son Ryan. Aren't they gorgeous? Ryan is in the USAF and is stationed in FL.
They are going to Okinawa next week to see his sister. Her husband deployed to Iraq last night. Leaving her and their 4 children in Okinawa. Her and the kids will be coming home in Nov to stay until he gets back, next summer.
It is great to have the kids come home.
Faith Family Friends
I love it when they all come together!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Here we are out for pizza. This is my Aunt Beatrice and 2 of her great great nephews and great great niece. I am off to the side. Our visit was wonderful. We went to two cemeteries and put flowers on the grave sites of our loved ones. We took a Sunday drive on Wed and looked at
places we have lived. Some were in great shape and others were not. It is sad to see houses that
hold happy memories all trashed and looking like a garbage dump. But we moved on and went out for lunch at a cute little restaurant that I used to go to church in. Good food!!!
Our visit was short but sweet.

One of my highlights was at the cemetery. She showed me where my Great & Great Great Grandparents were buried. If I knew this, I had forgotten it. I noticed that my Great Great
Grandma had the same birthday as me. Not year :) Day January 6. I bet she would have liked that little bit of info. I know my Mom liked that Jared (Great Grandson) was born on her
wedding anniversay.

This was a good week.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Friends and Family

Today was a mixture of cleaning and relaxing.
My Aunt from Fl comes tomorrow for a
few days. We will go to cemetery and put
some flowers on grave sites. My Mom' s
(her sister) and her parents (my Grandpa
and Grandma) We will laugh and sit around
the table and play some cards.
I am so excited to see her. She is the only
Aunt I have left on both sides of my family.
I will take some pictures and post them
tomorrow or Wed. I need to see if I rem
how to do that.
It is the first day of school tomorrow.
The little kids are glad and the bigger
ones are moaning and groaning. They
are all ready, I think. They just don't know it.
Have a good day !!!!!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

I'm Back!!!!

It has been almost 3 months since you have heard from me.
Most of you know I was very sick and in the hospital for 8
days. In ICU for 4 days. I thank God, modern medicine and
all the prayers for my recovery. This sums up how I feel.

"When you arise in the morning, think of
what a privilege it is to be alive.

To breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
Marcus Aurelius

I love you all!!!
As I sort out my thoughts I will share them with you.
Life is good!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

It seems like I just move "stuff" from room to room.
Tomorrow my sister comes from Indiana for a few days.
I'll try and get it together by noon.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Psalm 91

Psalm 91

I thought this is a good representation of how I feel.

To dwell in the Secret Place of the Almighty is where I can rest, feel safe, and let go of things that trouble me.

It would help to remind myself that, this place, is also for you. I don't need to worry and try and fix the world.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


This is the message I need today.
It always helps put me back
on track. I have had an emotional
week and told myself "Self, this
week will be different. No heavy
duty or any plans, just mellow out."
Does my son-in-law leaving for Iraq count as a heavy?
Does his wife and 4 kids in Okinawa for another year
count?" I think so!!!!
My sister calls and let me know she will be in
Wisconsin Wed and Thursday. I am excited to see her, but I can see I need a real vacation. Away from home.
Something fun. SOON!!!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2007


This is still me, deciding what to post on my blog.
It has to be the best and most interesting blog of all time.
I realized that I love to read your blogs but don't really like
posting mine. I think this comes from the fact that I
am a good listener. I don't think many people know
very much about me.
It could be that I don't know myself either.
I can think of many things I DO, but not much of WHO I AM!!
I'll keep you posted. : )

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Pulmonary Rehab

This is not me!!! Way to young to be me!
But, it is my favorite exercise machine
at Pulmonary Rehab. I have been going for about
a year and it is wonderful. I feel so much better on a daily basis.
Some days I don't want to go and grumble to myself. Then
I usually go and feel so great later. It helps to be
around loving, supporting, encouraging people. Soon I will
introduce you to my friend "BREEZY". Later!!!

Monday, May 21, 2007


The free box is always a favorite
of my Grandchildren at
rummage sales.
Every summer we head out and see what deals we can find. Not all of the grandkids love them like I do, but some DO!!!!!!

Friday, May 18, 2007


A year ago I was excited to feel well enough to go to my Grandson Joel's graduation.
Yesterday I picked up Amtrack tickets to go to Montana to see my sister.
OH HAPPY DAY!!! I will keep you posted.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

What is a person to do?

I know Easter has come and gone. Every year I have the same decision to make. What should I do with these leftover jelly beans. Nobody likes the yellow and white ones. Should I save them for a middle of the night treat or throw them in the trash?

If this is my biggest problem in life I am doing great! I am taking lessons from my 13 year old grandson on posting pictures on this blog. Soon now I will be blogging away.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Reading a good book with the smell of lilacs floating in the window!

Lilacs are blooming in my backyard right now.
Their scent blows in the wind and refreshes me.
Rhonda (daughter) had a prayer or wish for me a
few years ago, that was to have time to read a book
in a comfortable chair with the breeze blowing in lilac
scents in the windows. I think of this often at this time of year.
Today I was trying to decide if this is a verb or a noun.
Is it the actual reading and smelling the wonderful
part of this wish or is it the place in me that it represents.
Peace and serenity that makes it seem like Heaven on

Monday, May 7, 2007

Why I Can't Blog Yet!!

This is why I haven't done any blogging yet. I bought a new camera and am still learning how to use it. I also know very little about blogging except to read yours and maybe leave a comment. I realized this is the fun part for me. I enjoy learning new things, the problem is tech keeps changing faster than I can keep up.
Good thing for smart Grandchildren to help me.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I thought I heard a robin sing!!!!!

It has been winter for a long long time. I thought I heard a robin sing!
Spring is coming.
Although I am in the winter of my life, it feels like