Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Flat Stanley and Roz (for Ryan)

Roz wanted Ryan to see that Flat Stanley has been doing some fun things with her. This is her new bike. They have had some fun this summer. Grandpa likes to play with the them both.
We are waiting for the wedding that is coming up and seeing everyone that can make it.


Debbie said...

Wow Roz has really grown! What a beautiful girl! Love that bike Roz I can just see you zipping around.
What a fabulous Flat Stanley. I have never seen such a nice big one. He looks like he is having a great time! Nice he can play with grandpa too!
Enjoy the wedding... I am so sorry I will miss it! Love ya T-4

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see she's still having fun with Flat Stanley. We had a blast when he visited. Maybe she could send him to Australia when I get there!


Amanda said...

I love Flat Stanley! So glad you're back Jeani!!!