Monday, September 1, 2008


I had an interesting night this last week. First I fell in the living room and jerked my back out of synch. Then later that night I took the wrong insulin at bedtime. Yes, I took 5 times as much of one kind than I was supposed to. I got to sit up all night long (until 9AM) and take my blood glucose every 1/2 hour and drink 8 ounces of OJ and eat marshmellows when it would get to low. The nurse and Dr on call would call me every so often to see if I was still awake. I bet I don't do that again.


Anonymous said...

and then you entertained two teenagers!

Anonymous said...

Holy COW !
Ya I bet you don't do that again.
I can just see you
drinking orange juice
and eating marshmellows..ALL NIGHT
I am glad you realized what you did and called!


Jeani said...

I know it was God that had me notice that the vial was almost empty. I thought "now where did all of that go?" as I was putting it back in frig.
Towards morning I added Sprite and sherbert ice cream and had a mixed drink. UGH!!! I was so full of OJ and marshmellows by then.

Pammie said...

Oh good grief girl!!!
I'm glad you are OK, it was great to see your visit on my blog :)

Rita said...

Oh scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!