Tuesday, June 5, 2007

It seems like I just move "stuff" from room to room.
Tomorrow my sister comes from Indiana for a few days.
I'll try and get it together by noon.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Psalm 91

Psalm 91

I thought this is a good representation of how I feel.

To dwell in the Secret Place of the Almighty is where I can rest, feel safe, and let go of things that trouble me.

It would help to remind myself that, this place, is also for you. I don't need to worry and try and fix the world.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


This is the message I need today.
It always helps put me back
on track. I have had an emotional
week and told myself "Self, this
week will be different. No heavy
duty or any plans, just mellow out."
Does my son-in-law leaving for Iraq count as a heavy?
Does his wife and 4 kids in Okinawa for another year
count?" I think so!!!!
My sister calls and let me know she will be in
Wisconsin Wed and Thursday. I am excited to see her, but I can see I need a real vacation. Away from home.
Something fun. SOON!!!!!