Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Reading a good book with the smell of lilacs floating in the window!

Lilacs are blooming in my backyard right now.
Their scent blows in the wind and refreshes me.
Rhonda (daughter) had a prayer or wish for me a
few years ago, that was to have time to read a book
in a comfortable chair with the breeze blowing in lilac
scents in the windows. I think of this often at this time of year.
Today I was trying to decide if this is a verb or a noun.
Is it the actual reading and smelling the wonderful
part of this wish or is it the place in me that it represents.
Peace and serenity that makes it seem like Heaven on


Pammie said...

Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. I agree with Rhonda (saw her comment)...just start writting, and it will begin to flow. You asked about the Labels. If you label your blogs each time, then anyone can click on it, and it brings up anything you've ever written on that subject. Some people use all different kinds of labels.......I'm trying to stick to just one set of titles.
Keep coming around.

Anonymous said...

Lilacs. Just the smell floods me with memories of the farm and Grandma & Grandpa.
Glad you're enjoying some time...

Anonymous said...

MOm is it ok to put your blog on my favorites list yet or no?

Jeani said...

Rhonda, sure it is. I work best under pressure to produce. HA!!!
I just need to take the time to get this settled in my mind. Plus, clean off the computer table. I can't write with clutter all around. HA!!!