Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cute house!!!

Isn't this a darling little house. I have been looking on Ebay for old catalogs. These came up for Sears Homes. Look at the price. I'll have a few. Rita and I like these cottage looking houses.


Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish!

Anonymous said...

I just love it!
Make mine next to yours!
Love ya T-4

Jeani said...


Yes, we can have our own little town. Put the houses in a circle and a park in the middle. All the kids could play together and we could drink tea and play cards.

Anonymous said...

Yes that would be nice !

Rita said...

Perfect.....wouldn't that be fun!! I would love to go thru one of them now...It's just so cute!!

Anonymous said...

me too!
Love love love the window box!