Sunday, December 30, 2007

Let me Explain

After much thought, I must confess that I only like black socks on me. You can wear whatever color tickles your fancy. Looking for a picture of black socks brought up many interesting subjects. THIS IS NOT ME!!! But, I can see how maybe it isn't the coolest choice.
I started with only black socks in 1996 when my Mom was in a nursing home waiting to die. I would sit in a chair between her bed and the window and watch my foot swell. That is when I thought that black made my ankles look smaller. And I still do!!
You may be wondering if this is for real. Yes, it is, but I am laughing as I blog it.


Anonymous said...

that is a choice picture!
I had a good chuckle too!

Anonymous said...

I was laughing so hard... when I first saw the picture and read your blog.. I could not even type...woflisdfouie;kjvh;k
I still can't it is so funny !
I put on black socks and my feet look the same.... what is that?
Thanks you sunshine..
you made the last day of this year the best!
Love ya T-4