Monday, January 19, 2009

Tuesday January 20

Today my son-in-law leaves for Iraq. AGAIN! Please pray for him and Kyla and kids.
Today is also a new day with a new President. Please pray for Pres Obama. That is our
responsibility as Christians in America. I believe it is going to get very interesting.


Anonymous said...


paula said...

Also prayin, hang on its gonna be a wild ride from here on out

Anonymous said...

Yes we watched and prayed all day.
The children were so excited to see the whole process. You bet we will be praying every day!

Amy McQuillan said...

What an exciting day! I enjoyed every minute of it, apparently along with millions of others. Did you see the sea of people on the National Mall, it was incredible! (I would have loved to be a vendor there today, lol)

I also loved the old black minister that gave the Benediction. If you didn't see it, I have it on my blog.

What did you think of Michelle's dress and Aretha's hat?

Anonymous said...

Michelle's dress was fabulous!
Aretha's hat was (what was that?)!
I wonder how much that cost?
It should be in a museum!

Pammie said...

Hi darlin'!!!
It was so good to see you on my blog today. I will say a special prayer for you son in law this evening.
I hope you are doing well and taking care of yourself.