Friday, February 27, 2009

TO Rhonda from Boo!!!

We took the first picture tonight at about 8 PM.
The moon slipped past the planet Venus tonight. Venus is the brillant "evening star". They are in the west as night falls with Venus just right of the moon.

The second picture is off a website. Taken in Dec. This is how bright they were tonight. Our little camera couldn't do it justice.

Boo wanted us to take a picture and put it on my blog. Her title is "Grandma and Grandpa and RoZ driving in truck and looking at the sky" Oh and also "this is for Rhonda"


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures!
We were looking at the moon & Venus Thursday night.
We left the extreme make over house and went to our car parked in a big dark field. The stars were incredible! I wondered if anyone else saw them.
Thank ROZ for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

awwwwww thanks so much for thinking of me Boo!
You know I love love love this... It's so peaceful.

Love you sweetie and you too Mom.

thePiks said...

How neat! Thanks for posting this Roz!